Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ginger lemon

Chandigarh is bit scary da. I strain my brain looking for a break in the parallel lines. Navigation within the city is so easy that I soon begin to lose interest. Malls. Restaurants. Residential quarters. Order. Planning. Design. Dhaad. The only break from all this was bribing a cop 50 bucks cos I wasn't wearing a helmet, phew, at least some things don't change... The tank gets fixed thanks to Mr Rana in sector 48, yet another sweet bullet mechanic on the India map - we argue about the bill, he's charging me pittance and I want to give more. By 6pm on Saturday, the bike is ready and by sunset we're out. A three hour night ride brings us to Anandpur Sahib, the second holiest Sikh city at the bottom of the Himalayan foothills. Super place. We wake up at 5 the next morning and go to the gurudwar - beautiful. Manage to surreptitously record music on my surreptitous MD player. Then we start riding. It's Sunday and inspite of early warnings the weather is beautiful and sunshine all the way to Manali. Lovely ride, great weather and ginger honey tea at the end of the day. A day's rest today and tomorrow dark and early we start the three day ride through Ladakh to reach Leh. Or so we hope. Apparently the weather is crap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so I suppose there are no naked women discussing plato in chandigarh then?
this is so dissappointing.

Monday, 04 September, 2006  
Blogger abstention said...

all naked people in sector 34 and all philosophical people in 17. since these sectors don't meet, naked women discussing plato don't exist except in places where cops take bribes.

Friday, 08 September, 2006  
Blogger rads said...

Oragnised it is with the sectors and everything, I was a little disappointed though, expected it to be high-rise and all that city stuff.

it was bloody hot last summer. We were cooked like meats that no good blooded European would lay a finger on!

Saturday, 09 September, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abhi's haggling over the repair chrges reminds of the well known scen in an old movie 'Shri 420', where Raj kapoor haggles with Lalita Pawar selling bananas about the price, with the vendor quoting the price as 3 bananas for 2 annas, and Raj K insisting on a price of 2 bananas for three annas.
Have fun.

Saturday, 09 September, 2006  

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