Friday, September 22, 2006

Dash of lime...

One hop, skip and jump takes us over Amrtisar and into Delhi where an interesting twist promises to keep me in transit for a little longer. Got things to write about Amritsar but I'll do that later... I was supposed to load my motorbike onto a train this afternoon and catch the Nizamuddin Express back to Bangalore early tomorrow morning. Excellent plan, so far so good. So I went to the railway station. After recent bomb blasts around the countryside there's some paranoia in the air. The guy asked me for my bike documents. No problem. I gave him a photocopy. He asked for originals. Don't have 'em, they're in Bangalore. Problem. He asked if I was Mahesh Sharma (who's name is on the registration document). I said mmm no, but the bike is currently being transferred into my name. Problem. Then he noticed even Mahesh Sharma was scratched out on the document and it was being transferred to some Dharam Chand. Who's Dharam Chand, he rightly wanted to know. Good point. Even I've forgotten at this point what's going on with my documents. I fumbled around and gave him some unbelievable explanation. He dismissed everything and concluded that at the moment the bike was neither in the name of Mahesh Sharma nor Dharam Chand nor Abhijeet Tame, so I might as well sell it for scrap metal. Oh come on, I protested, surely we can work something out sah...? To which he sweetly suggested, "Aap ek kaam kar leejiye. Gaadi me tel dalo aur seedha Bangalore le jayiye" - "I tell you what. Put some gas in the bike and ride straight to Bangalore - it ain't going on this train!". Thank you sir - that's about two thousand four hundred kilometres and just a few days before I report for my first day at work with my new job. At the moment, pouring over maps and considering his suggestion...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

abster, time to don your erstwhile(?) pretender role. the solution is simple. change the name on your license to dharam chand.

or better still - Karam Chand

Saturday, 23 September, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where did u find the sign that says "drive like hell, ull b there.."

haha..thats too gud..

Monday, 25 September, 2006  

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